Tuesday 1 April 2014

ICT in Totara

As many of you are aware we are the pilot class for implementing ICT into a classroom at YMS. We were given 11 lovely Chrome Notebooks at the beginning of the year and are currently waiting for the arrival of a few more (thanks to the wonderful PTA).

So what does ICT in Totara look like? Well, here are some photos of us working in pairs to learn all about Modern Learning Environments.

As a class we didn't really know much about them. Some of us had heard the term on the news but we didn't have any idea what that actually meant. Mrs S then asked us go onto a website that the Ministry of Education had posted information for schools about Modern Learning Environments. We read this as a class and then talked about what it all meant, (sometimes adults write very big and complicated things). We discovered that Modern Learning Environments are the environments in which students learn in at school. It seems that the way we learn has changed a lot and so the ministry is wanting us to learn in new types of classrooms that take into consideration the way we learn and they ways in which we access information etc.

The most exciting part of the exercise was being able to use our Chrome books to explore this ourselves. We found pictures and videos that showed us a lot of different ways in which they are being used around New Zealand. We thought that it would be great to have a MLE in our own school. So check out these photos and make sure you ask us about we liked about Modern Learning Environments.